Today our family celebrated Thanksgiving. A little late I know but on the actual Thanksgiving we were traveling to visit our friends the Butlers and just ate dinner at the Cracker Barrel on our way to Boise.
But Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. A chance to eat really good food and to reflect on the things that we are most grateful for.
So today I cooked up a turkey breast, my famous stuffing, mashed potatoes, rolls and my favorite thing this time of year: PUMPKIN PIE!!!
And now for the reflection on what I am most thankful for this year:
1) My little family. A husband who loves, supports and spoils me and a son that has been nothing short of a miracle in our lives.
2) My extended family. My parents who raised me right and my brothers and their families who put up with me. And my in laws and aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents.
3) My friends. I know it is a little corny but you know the saying, "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, the other gold." In this instance, I am rich.
4) The Gospel. Goes without saying right?
5) My Country. I worry that it is getting a little less popular to be proud to be an American again. But I am proud to be American and I am thankful for the freedom it gives me.
6) Access to great medical care. Don't know where we would have been this year without some great doctors, Primary Children's Medical Center and an insurance plan that took care of our little boy.
7) Being a SAHM. So grateful that James' employment allows me to be home with A.J. and pursue my interests without putting a huge strain on the family finances.
8) My hobby and little side businesses. Grants me a little sanity and a connection to people. I keep saying it is cheaper than therapy, but not sure if that is really the case. I think our insurance would cover a good share of the therapy.
9) My home. It may not be a mansion, but it suits our little family just fine.
10) Modern convenience. While I take a lot of this for granted, I am thankful for technology and how it makes our lives more convenient.