I have been reminded of this the past three years by our Bishop. Apparently, five programs ago a primary child stood up and actually said, "Jesus was a bad man so they killed him." Keep in mind that it was our Bishop's first primary program and the Stake President's grandchildren are in our ward so he was there to witness it. I actually missed that program, but it is legendary in our ward. So every year, the Bishop reminds me that under no circumstances is anyone to say that or anything remotely close to it.
This was the fourth straight program I have had a hand in putting together the program in our ward - the past three as president and the one before as chorister. But this year's was a little different because not only did I have the normal role of writing the program and getting everything ready, I also was a proud mom of a budding primary program star.
A.J. had a very simple line, "I can be kind to others by sharing my things." He has been practicing it for weeks and says it all the time. (Unfortunately, I don't think the line has sunk in to impact his behavior yet.) But A.J. is also famous for getting VERY shy in front of crowds. In the three times he practiced giving it from the pulpit, he only said it once and that time I bribed him with a piece of candy.
So when the big moment came, I wondered what would happen. A.J. steps up to the microphone and starts his line, realizes how loud the microphone is and covers his ears and whispers the rest. Well, at least he got up there and gave it a shot.
And there is always next year. Well, for him anyway. Four programs is a long stretch for a leader. So I am not planning on being around in Primary for next year's myself. Then I can truly enjoy being a proud parent of a primary program star without all the stress of wondering whether one of the kids is going to commit blasphemy in front of the stake president.
But really, I was so proud of all of the Primary kids today. We had four or five that opted to sing solos instead of give talks and I was so amazed at how they stood up there and sang their hearts out. And no, no one said anything inappropriate so I am breathing a huge sigh of relief!
Oh, and A.J. was so handsome in his new blue Sunday best. I bought it after Christmas last year for a great clearance price and was so pleased today to see how cute
yay! i'm excited to see you are back in the blogging world! its good to hear about yall. Sounds like A.J. was very cute and did well at the primary program and yes, he likes very handsome in his blue suit!
Reed said that he wants A.J. to come see him in Houston.
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