But I love Thanksgiving for a lot of other reasons too. It's the one holiday that is just about the things that really matter: family, friends and giving thanks to God for our bounty. Thanksgiving has escaped a lot of the commercialism that has crept into Christmas and Easter and all the other great holidays and detracted from their true meaning.
I have so much to be thankful for this year. I have been richly blessed in so many ways, big and small.
-My three handsome, wonderful, charming guys: James, A.J. and Spencer. They make my life very interesting, keep me on my toes and I wouldn't trade them for the world.
-The gift of adoption without which, I wouldn't have my two boys. My heart is full of thanks for them and for everyone who made it possible for them to be in our forever family.
-The rest of my family. My brothers and their families, parents, in laws, aunts, uncles and cousins and for the amazing grandparents that went before us too.
-This free country where I can vote, go to the church I choose and say whatever I want. And for the men and women who have sacrificed so I can have those freedoms.
-The knowledge that I am a child of God and that he loves me and wants what is best for me and my family. And to know that he hears and answers prayers.
-My many varied and wonderful friends. I am very lucky to have so much friendship and support in my life. I would be lost with out it.
-That we have a home to live in, cars to drive, clothes to wear, food to eat, toys to play with, heat in the winter and A.C. in the summer and no one is threatening to take them away. In these tough economic times, so many people can't say the same thing. We are blessed.
-Technology. I'm an internet junkie. I love blogs, Splitcoast, on line shopping and now facebook. I love how easy it makes it to keep in touch with my friends and family.
-Creativity. Elder Uchtdorf at the last general women's broadcast said it is one of the keys to happiness. For me, it is a big one. I am happy when I create, and I slip into the doldrums when I don't.
Happy Thanksgiving!
What a sweet picture! I think your boys and hubby are grateful to have YOU in their lives. You are blesssing so many people! I'm grateful to have your friendship. Happy Thanksgiving!
Great photo of the boys. They look like they have been brothers all along. God's blessings on your generous heart.
If we didn't or even if we did, We want to welcome spencer and tell youguys Congratualtions! We are so excited for you!!!! YAY!!!!
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