It's happened again.
Last time it was a new refrigerator. Back in 2005, our 6-year-old, contractor-grade refrigerator started leaking water from the freezer down to the fridge. So we did what any homeowner would do: we went to Home Depot, Lowes, RC Willey and Sears to look at fridges.
I thought I wanted one of those french door models with the freezer on the bottom. I ooed and awed over them trying to decide whether to get the white that matched our other contractor-grade appliances, or stainless which might match the appliances in the home we might move into someday. And was it worth it to play all that extra money for the french door fridge when I could get a side-by-side for a lot less. And none of them seemed to have all the features I wanted all together. I poured hours of Internet research into it on Consumer Reports, Good Housekeeping, and we asked everyone we knew what they would do.
At Sears, we met a nice young salesman named Hector. He showed us all the models and answered all our questions. We told him we needed to think about it some more. A few months later, we went back to Sears and talked to Hector again. The new models were coming out and didn't we want to buy one of the old models on clearance. Still needed to think about it and do more research. Came back in a few more months, and then again few months later, etc. Each time we left with a "let's think about it." It got to the point where Hector would see us and just start laughing because he knew we had more questions, but weren't really going to buy anything.
In May of 2007, Sears was having a great sale on appliances and we finally settled for a white side-by-side that had some of the features we wanted and was a lot less than the french door one I really wanted. We headed to Sears to finally buy that refrigerator only to find that Hector had the day off. We made a special trip back to Sears the next day so we could buy it from him. I bet Hector never had to work for 2 years to get a sale before or since.
Now, it's TV's. The main TV in our house is a 27" set we received as a hand me down from James' parents shortly after we were married. Since tomorrow is our 13th anniversary, that gives you some indication on its age. Needless to say, HDTV wasn't even a consideration back then. The tuner in the TV went out several years ago so we have to use the VCR's tuner to do anything (it's the entire reason we still have a VCR). Now the power switch doesn't always work.
About a year ago, when we started get inundated with all the HD-switch talk, we got all confused and thought we'd better go get a new TV right away. I think it was really a ploy by the electronics industry to make us believe we had to have a $2000 HDTV or we would be lepers. We learned that because we have cable, we really didn't have to do anything to be lepers. Whew.
Then we got a Wii and Mario Kart last Spring. For those of you who are Wiiophytes, when you play Mario Kart with 3 or more people, it divides the screen into four sections. On a 27" TV, you get what seems like a 2" square of screen to drive your kart down. So we have to get a bigger TV if we are going to play Mario Kart as a family. And isn't that why we bought a Wii in the first place?
So off to the Internet to do lots of research on Consumer Reports, CNet, and every other website imaginable. Do we get one that will fit in our entertainment center (very few 37" ones will) or do we go for broke and get the 47" and a new entertainment center. LCD or Plasma? 720 or 1080? What the heck is an HDMI and if our current TV has none, how many do we need? And if we get a new HDTV won't we have to get a blu-ray too?
And we harrassed lots of Hectors at lots of different stores. The HDTV guys at Costco probably think I am stalking them. Twice I have gone to buy a TV thinking I had my mind made up, only to either be talked out of by the sales guy or find it not available in the store.
I think we finally have it narrowed down to two choices: a 37" Toshiba that will fit into our entertainment center from, or a 42" Vizio that won't fit but is available at our Costco. How we pick from the two could drive us crazy for another six months. And by then, a whole new batch of TV's will be out and we will have to start the process all over again.
I wonder if Hector sells TVs?
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Days 10-12 and the BIG REVEAL
I am so sad to see this secret elf swap come to an end. I'm going to sound like a broken record here, but it's been so fun to have something to open everyday. The last week has been kind of rough around here with my boys (well, one of my boys in particular) and her gifts have made my day, everyday.
So to back track a bit. On Sunday, I had a bit of a dilemma because I had two gifts without day tags on them. And I really didn't want to open day 12's first because I didn't want to spoil the next few days. My Secret Elf found a way to let me know that this is the one I should open first:
The wrapping was so cute I almost didn't want to open it. (I said almost. Of course I wanted to see what is inside.) And I wasn't disappointed when I found this:
Homemade Pumpkin Butter. I love all things pumpkin and can't wait to try this out. She included a recipe for a fruit dip that includes this. And the jar is wrapped so cute in Haiku paper too.
Then yesterday, I found this cute thing under my tree:
It's a lip balm holder including an Stampin' Up lip balm. These are really cute and I need to figure out how to make them so I can share it with my customers. And I love this striped paper. It was the first from that pack of paper to get all used up at my house. And the stamp (From this year's Ronald McDonald House set) should have been a clue as to who my elf was, but I didn't catch on. After all, we all got this stamp set at convention.
Then this morning, this cute box was sitting all lonely underneath my tree just crying to be opened:
A box made out of ski slope paper and wrapped up with that wonderful stitched chocolate ribbon and those cute felt flurries. Inside was this wonderful surprise:
A beautiful hand made card with this stamp set that I have always admired but never bought. It accompanied these yummy soaps direct from North Carolina. That means my secret elf is:

Angie!!!! (This picture is of Angie, me and Amy at convention). I got to know Angie at convention this summer. She quickly became one of my favorite people because it seemed like we have so much in common. We were both moms to one (at the time) who's sons have spent time too much time with doctors (although her son has spent way more time than my AJ). And as we talked, our views and experiences seemed very similar. I am lucky to count her among my friends. Thanks Angie for making this holiday season so much fun! Love ya!
And I have to say that I had no idea it was her. I guessed a few different people at different times, but never Angie.
Now almost as fun as opening my gift has been seeing what my elfette has said about her little gifts. Want to see what I made for my elfette? Check out Lisa's blog. I had so much fun being Lisa's elf too. Love ya Lisa!
So to back track a bit. On Sunday, I had a bit of a dilemma because I had two gifts without day tags on them. And I really didn't want to open day 12's first because I didn't want to spoil the next few days. My Secret Elf found a way to let me know that this is the one I should open first:
Then yesterday, I found this cute thing under my tree:
Then this morning, this cute box was sitting all lonely underneath my tree just crying to be opened:
Angie!!!! (This picture is of Angie, me and Amy at convention). I got to know Angie at convention this summer. She quickly became one of my favorite people because it seemed like we have so much in common. We were both moms to one (at the time) who's sons have spent time too much time with doctors (although her son has spent way more time than my AJ). And as we talked, our views and experiences seemed very similar. I am lucky to count her among my friends. Thanks Angie for making this holiday season so much fun! Love ya!
And I have to say that I had no idea it was her. I guessed a few different people at different times, but never Angie.
Now almost as fun as opening my gift has been seeing what my elfette has said about her little gifts. Want to see what I made for my elfette? Check out Lisa's blog. I had so much fun being Lisa's elf too. Love ya Lisa!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Days 7, 8 & 9
I hope my secret elf knows how much I have loved getting a little something everyday. Even if I haven't been the best at posting my bounty every day, I do love everything and it has really made my day to open a gift. Here is what I received the past three days:

On Thursday, the box of really yummy smelling candles. And Jen from New Hampshire reminded me that candles aren't for hoarding, they are for burning. I was shocked to hear that. You mean, people actually burn candles and don't just leave them in the box smelling all nice and pretty?!?!? Oh boy, where have I been.
Yesterday, we had a very rough morning. When I was in the middle of my total meltdown, I remembered that I hadn't opened my elf gift yet. Whew. Made my whole morning better to find this really cute mug with candies in it. It even has that gorgeous striped Stampin' Up! ribbon on it. (Which I am hoarding an entire, unopened roll of if you must know.) It says, "Dear God, do you hear every note?" I hope not, since I haven't been to choir practice all season and will be singing with the impromptu choir tomorrow at church.
And today, I found this cute snowman under my tree. I love snowman. And this one is just adorable. Thank you elf! You are the best!
I should also mention that I finished off the tin of shortbread cookies I opened last weekend yesterday. I think those were the best non-homemade shortbread cookies I've ever had. Yummo!
On Thursday, the box of really yummy smelling candles. And Jen from New Hampshire reminded me that candles aren't for hoarding, they are for burning. I was shocked to hear that. You mean, people actually burn candles and don't just leave them in the box smelling all nice and pretty?!?!? Oh boy, where have I been.
Yesterday, we had a very rough morning. When I was in the middle of my total meltdown, I remembered that I hadn't opened my elf gift yet. Whew. Made my whole morning better to find this really cute mug with candies in it. It even has that gorgeous striped Stampin' Up! ribbon on it. (Which I am hoarding an entire, unopened roll of if you must know.) It says, "Dear God, do you hear every note?" I hope not, since I haven't been to choir practice all season and will be singing with the impromptu choir tomorrow at church.
And today, I found this cute snowman under my tree. I love snowman. And this one is just adorable. Thank you elf! You are the best!
I should also mention that I finished off the tin of shortbread cookies I opened last weekend yesterday. I think those were the best non-homemade shortbread cookies I've ever had. Yummo!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Better Days
I love all kinds of Christmas music. I love the traditional Christmas hymns we sing in church this time of year, "Silent Night," "Away in a Manger," and "Joy to the World." I love the crooners singing "White Christmas" and "Chestnuts Roasting on an open fire." It just isn't Christmas for me until I here the Carpenters sing "Merry Christmas Darling," Wham sing "Last Christmas" and Band Aid sing "Do They Know It's Christmas Time."
But the last few years, a new favorite as emerged: The Goo Goo Doll's "Better Days." Here are just a few of the lyrics:
"And you ask me what I want this year
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
So take these words
And sing out loud
Cuz everyone is forgiven now
Cuz tonight's the night the world begins again."
2008 has been a rough year for so many people I care so much about. In my family, we've had deaths, a cancer diagnosis, a heart attack, major surgery, failed classes, tough economic times, struggles with our children, etc, etc. Among my friends, more deaths of loved ones, more cancer, more health troubles, financial troubles, marital troubles, etc.
Every time I hear this song, I think of all of these people, all of you. What better wish could I offer any of you than the chance that maybe we'll find better days. (I know I could use a whole lot of better days.)
So that is my holiday wish for all of you: may 2009 be full of better days for all of us.
But the last few years, a new favorite as emerged: The Goo Goo Doll's "Better Days." Here are just a few of the lyrics:
"And you ask me what I want this year
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
So take these words
And sing out loud
Cuz everyone is forgiven now
Cuz tonight's the night the world begins again."
2008 has been a rough year for so many people I care so much about. In my family, we've had deaths, a cancer diagnosis, a heart attack, major surgery, failed classes, tough economic times, struggles with our children, etc, etc. Among my friends, more deaths of loved ones, more cancer, more health troubles, financial troubles, marital troubles, etc.
Every time I hear this song, I think of all of these people, all of you. What better wish could I offer any of you than the chance that maybe we'll find better days. (I know I could use a whole lot of better days.)
So that is my holiday wish for all of you: may 2009 be full of better days for all of us.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Secret Elf Day 5 & 6
Yesterday turned into a crazy day with absolutely crazy children. I think copious amounts of counseling are in order for me and for them. Not sure how we are going to survive two weeks of no school. But when the new year comes, we'll have Spencer in preschool too and that should help both of them.
I have two more wonderful elf gifts to share. Yesterday was day 5 and I opened this really cute picture frame. I initially was going to put a picture of my three BFF's and me in it, but it seemed way more fitting to put a picture of my Swapper Anon friends from convention in it. This will have a place of honor in my stamping room to remind me always of these amazing ladies who provide me so much inspiration both creatively and personally.

Today is day six. This cute gift box got a little smashed en route, but it is so cute. I love that taffeta ribbon. And inside I found this really cute post it note holder and matching pen in the very lovely Parisian Summer paper. (Love this paper too. I have a whole pack that I am hoarding.) THANK YOU ELF!!! I love everything.
I can't believe we are half way through our swap. We are already talking about another one like this since we are having so much fun this time around. You better believe I will be signing right up for that!
I have two more wonderful elf gifts to share. Yesterday was day 5 and I opened this really cute picture frame. I initially was going to put a picture of my three BFF's and me in it, but it seemed way more fitting to put a picture of my Swapper Anon friends from convention in it. This will have a place of honor in my stamping room to remind me always of these amazing ladies who provide me so much inspiration both creatively and personally.
Today is day six. This cute gift box got a little smashed en route, but it is so cute. I love that taffeta ribbon. And inside I found this really cute post it note holder and matching pen in the very lovely Parisian Summer paper. (Love this paper too. I have a whole pack that I am hoarding.) THANK YOU ELF!!! I love everything.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Secret Elf Days 2, 3 & 4
We had a busy weekend with the Butlers coming for a visit. It was lots of fun to have the kids together and Clara and Spencer get a long as well as Brynn and A.J. It's so fun to think about how long we've been friends (17 years) and how far we've come during that time. They are family to us and our kids see their kids more often than they see their own cousins.
But in all the fun, I didn't get my elf gifts posted. I really didn't finish the explanation the other day. So there's this group of people who like to swap and support each other through all of life's ups and downs. In October, one of our group, Jen, suggested we do this 12 Days of Christmas Secret Elf swap. I almost didn't sign up because it was about the time that Spencer came to our family and I was taking things off my to do list and not adding new things.
But I am so glad that I did join in the merriment. It has been so fun to have a little something to open everyday and my kids are just as excited as I am. And it's been a blast to hear about all the other Secret Elf gifts that others in the group are getting. One of the highlights is hearing my elfie post about what she is receiving too. I hope she is having as much fun as I am.
On Saturday, I opened a tin of shortbread cookies. Yummy! On Sunday, there was this cute dish towel with a flower on it and the Stampin' Up's Statement of the Heart on the belly band. Today, there is a wonderful book called "Everyday Encouragement." (And boy do I need a little encouragement everyday so this will be great!) A BIG THANK YOU to my elf for making my holiday season so much fun!
But in all the fun, I didn't get my elf gifts posted. I really didn't finish the explanation the other day. So there's this group of people who like to swap and support each other through all of life's ups and downs. In October, one of our group, Jen, suggested we do this 12 Days of Christmas Secret Elf swap. I almost didn't sign up because it was about the time that Spencer came to our family and I was taking things off my to do list and not adding new things.
But I am so glad that I did join in the merriment. It has been so fun to have a little something to open everyday and my kids are just as excited as I am. And it's been a blast to hear about all the other Secret Elf gifts that others in the group are getting. One of the highlights is hearing my elfie post about what she is receiving too. I hope she is having as much fun as I am.
Friday, December 12, 2008
The 12 Elf Gifts for Christmas - Day 1
On the first day of Christmas, my secret elf gave to me:

The cutest thing I've ever seen! I *heart* Dashing Paper (from last year's Stampin' Up catalog) and these tags are so cute. The little binder is a bitty book and it stores the tags. Do you think they are too cute to use? Thank you secret elf friend who ever you are!
I guess I should explain for the rest of you. I belong to an *exclusive* group ;) of Stampin' Up! Demonstrators on Splitcoast Stampers: Swappers Anon. We started together last spring before convention and kept each other going when we all over committed for swaps. Now we keep each other going through life's ups and downs, as well as exchange business ideas, enable purchases (you all know who I am talking about) and of course, swap. They come up with the best projects and I am never disappointed when I get a package of swaps back from them. They are all very talented.
I love these ladies and I am blessed to have them a part of my life just about everyday. I can't wait to see what the next 11 days bring. Keep checking back and I will keep sharing these wonderful treats!
The cutest thing I've ever seen! I *heart* Dashing Paper (from last year's Stampin' Up catalog) and these tags are so cute. The little binder is a bitty book and it stores the tags. Do you think they are too cute to use? Thank you secret elf friend who ever you are!
I guess I should explain for the rest of you. I belong to an *exclusive* group ;) of Stampin' Up! Demonstrators on Splitcoast Stampers: Swappers Anon. We started together last spring before convention and kept each other going when we all over committed for swaps. Now we keep each other going through life's ups and downs, as well as exchange business ideas, enable purchases (you all know who I am talking about) and of course, swap. They come up with the best projects and I am never disappointed when I get a package of swaps back from them. They are all very talented.
I love these ladies and I am blessed to have them a part of my life just about everyday. I can't wait to see what the next 11 days bring. Keep checking back and I will keep sharing these wonderful treats!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Yesterday morning was our ward Christmas party. This year's theme was "Believe" and was based on the Christmas book and movie "The Polar Express." My neighbor Jen is the activity chair and since I drag her along on a lot of my adventures, I went a long for a ride on this one with her. Whatever she needed, I tried to help as best I could.
A lot of people come out of the woodwork for these things and there were more people than expected. A food shortage quickly became apparent and several of us started scrambling to figure out how to feed a few more people (and more than just eggs). I found my friend Teri and asked if Spencer could sit with her while I ran home to get some more sausage.
In the mean time, the Polar Express arrived at the North Pole and Santa appeared. While I was in the kitchen cooking sausage, Spencer came in to show me the new trinket he received from Santa. I couldn't believe I had missed it. My new son's first visit with Santa and I missed it. I heard from several people that he was really cute and answered all of Santa's questions and called him, "Ho, Ho, Ho." It is one of those moments you'll just never get back.
A felt a little bad about it, but when A.J. went up to see Santa, I brought Spencer a long too so I could get a picture of the two of them together on Santa's lap. Here is the result:

A member of our bishopric, Ron Stagg, wrote this little message that was put on the tables about believing that really sums up what Christmas is all about:
"At Christmas time there are many things to believe in. We believe in family, in traditions, in gifts, in yummy food, and even in Santa Claus, but our true beliefs must be anchored in our faith in Christ. This is the true reason for Christmas: to celebrate, to remember and to believe in the miracle of Jesus Christ.
Believe in the prophecies that foretold His life.
Believe in the marvelous events surrounding His birth.
Believe in the countless miracles He performed.
Believe in the truthfulness of His teachings.
Believe in the life that He willingly surrendered.
Believe in the salvation that He gives.
Believe. . ."
A lot of people come out of the woodwork for these things and there were more people than expected. A food shortage quickly became apparent and several of us started scrambling to figure out how to feed a few more people (and more than just eggs). I found my friend Teri and asked if Spencer could sit with her while I ran home to get some more sausage.
In the mean time, the Polar Express arrived at the North Pole and Santa appeared. While I was in the kitchen cooking sausage, Spencer came in to show me the new trinket he received from Santa. I couldn't believe I had missed it. My new son's first visit with Santa and I missed it. I heard from several people that he was really cute and answered all of Santa's questions and called him, "Ho, Ho, Ho." It is one of those moments you'll just never get back.
A felt a little bad about it, but when A.J. went up to see Santa, I brought Spencer a long too so I could get a picture of the two of them together on Santa's lap. Here is the result:
A member of our bishopric, Ron Stagg, wrote this little message that was put on the tables about believing that really sums up what Christmas is all about:
"At Christmas time there are many things to believe in. We believe in family, in traditions, in gifts, in yummy food, and even in Santa Claus, but our true beliefs must be anchored in our faith in Christ. This is the true reason for Christmas: to celebrate, to remember and to believe in the miracle of Jesus Christ.
Believe in the prophecies that foretold His life.
Believe in the marvelous events surrounding His birth.
Believe in the countless miracles He performed.
Believe in the truthfulness of His teachings.
Believe in the life that He willingly surrendered.
Believe in the salvation that He gives.
Believe. . ."
Saturday, December 6, 2008
It's Really Not Looking Like Christmas - yet
Here we are, the 6th of December and I am having a hard time getting that Christmas feeling. The tree is up. I've been listening to Christmas music non stop for the last week. I've been to two Christmas parties. Lots of shopping is done. My secret elf gifts are done and en route. Still not feeling that Christmas spirit yet.
Why, you ask? This afternoon when I came home, A.J. was playing outside. He was wearing shorts and a tee shirt and no shoes. It is December 6. In Utah. What the heck? I did make him put on his shoes and he added a jacket. But the jacket wasn't totally necessary. His friends didn't have them on.
I am not complaining really. As a California girl at heart, I can live without the traditional cold and snow that come with winter in the salt shaker. But after living here for 15 years, I just can't get into that Christmas feeling without it.
Never fear though, Monday it is suppose to snow. And by time I pick A.J. et al up from school, I will be cursing the white stuff. But at least it will feel more like Christmas.
Why, you ask? This afternoon when I came home, A.J. was playing outside. He was wearing shorts and a tee shirt and no shoes. It is December 6. In Utah. What the heck? I did make him put on his shoes and he added a jacket. But the jacket wasn't totally necessary. His friends didn't have them on.

Never fear though, Monday it is suppose to snow. And by time I pick A.J. et al up from school, I will be cursing the white stuff. But at least it will feel more like Christmas.
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