But in all the fun, I didn't get my elf gifts posted. I really didn't finish the explanation the other day. So there's this group of people who like to swap and support each other through all of life's ups and downs. In October, one of our group, Jen, suggested we do this 12 Days of Christmas Secret Elf swap. I almost didn't sign up because it was about the time that Spencer came to our family and I was taking things off my to do list and not adding new things.
But I am so glad that I did join in the merriment. It has been so fun to have a little something to open everyday and my kids are just as excited as I am. And it's been a blast to hear about all the other Secret Elf gifts that others in the group are getting. One of the highlights is hearing my elfie post about what she is receiving too. I hope she is having as much fun as I am.
Super job Paula's Elf! Amazing our elves are hitting just what we like and need!
Yay for you, Paula! I'm glad you got to have friends come and your Secret Elf is really doing a great job with you.
The elf gifts are sooo fun! Glad you had a good time with Tera, too!
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