When it's been a while since you've blogged you wonder if anyone would actually read your blog if you did post anything. So this is a test, a test of the emergency blogger network if you will, to see if I post it, will you read it.
It's actually been kind of an exciting year. I don't even know where to start so maybe I'll just show you the year in pictures and go from there.
Last I left you, we'd just been sealed in the temple to our Spencer. :) After that, we took off for Monterey for a couple of days with my brother Hyrum and his family. We tried to go tide pooling, but it was too late in the day to see much. And we went to the aquarium there. I'm more of a lake town girl myself, but we did love Monterey.

It wouldn't be summer for me without the Stampin' Up Convention. While everyone else was clamoring to get their picture taken with Shelli Gardner, I was thrilled to get mine taken with my favorite board member, Thurl Bailey. And if you have to ask who Thurl is, then you are obviously not a Utah Jazz fan.
And in September, Spencer was off to preschool. He actually went to two different preschools last year and had a great time.
In October, we went to McCall, Idaho and stayed on the shores of Payette Lake with our good friends the Butlers. We love hanging out with them and I fell in love with McCall. It might be my new favorite lake town. (Sorry South Lake Tahoe.)
Then for halloween this year, we had a Clone War Trooper and a fireman. We always go trick or treating with the Millers and always get a picture all together. Fun times!
November brought basketball back into our lives. The Utah Jazz season started and our boys played Bitty Ball at the West Valley Fitness Center. See the bitty boy in the back, yep. He was the bittiest on the team. And the tall one back there, he was the tallest in the league. No more bitty ball for him.
What? Stampin' Up convention in January? Yep, Leadership Conference was in Phoenix this year. Can you say "golden opportunity to get out of the inversion?" Perfect chance to shake the winter blues. Here I am with my Stampin' Addict Sistahs who made the trip too: Dixie, Sharon, Stacy and me.
Also in January, we had the first reported siting of two Wright brothers actually sitting next to each other and not fighting. Doesn't happen very often so you have to capture the moment that it does.
Here is where the boys birthday pictures belong. Except, there was a error when we were packing to move. The camera that the pictures were on got packed away in a very safe and secure location. So safe and secure, months later, they haven't been found.
Oh and right here is where there should be a picture of the rental we moved into for seven weeks. Thanks to the Benzons for not leaving us homeless when we didn't have a clue what we were going to do next.

It's a long story I'll have to share another time, but in April we were lucky enough to get this house under contract in Farmington. It was a foreclosure and we really feel like God had a hand in bring us to this neighborhood. We moved in May 15 and two months later, we still have boxes that need to be addressed.
Also, in May, Spencer graduated from Preschool. He now knows all his letters and the sounds they make and can count to 20. Oh and he's just about mastered his S-blends. What a kid! I don't have a picture, but AJ graduated first grade with perfect attendance and on the honor roll. So proud of both of them.
One of the best parts of moving to Farmington is being 5 minutes from the Lagoon Amusement Park. We have season passes this summer and have had a lot of fun over there.
Earlier this month, we went to Boise for the baptism of the Butler's oldest daughter, Brynn. We're Brynn's godparents, but since Mormons don't really have those, there wasn't anything official for us to do other than to just support the family, and be proud of Brynn for making the decision to be baptized. Oh and to steal her gum, but that's a story for another day too.
And guess what that brings us back to? Another Stampin' Up Convention! Except this time, sadly, I didn't get to go. It's actually happening right now, even as I type this. My friends are enjoying a chocolate fountain at the Salt Palace 17 miles from here. Boo Hoo! James is out of town at a training this week and I couldn't get the logistics worked out. But I did get to go to the fabulous Stampin' Addicts Meet and Greet on Wednesday. So here's a picture of my swap buddies.
So that is, in a quick and dirty nutshell, our past year. Hopefully, it won't be another year before I post again. But just so I know if it's worth it or not, post a comment so I feel the blog love. :)
'bout freakin time!!!!!
my fave part of this post is by far the Wright bros snugglin on the love sac!!!!
Oh we forgive you. Your a mother, you have 2 kids they take a lot of time, and certainly a lot of energy. Believe me I know these things.
Loved all the pictures they are getting so big so fast. Before you know it they will be in high school, driving and dating. Take the time to snuggle cause when they get bigger they take up the whole bed :)
Welocome back! I always enjoy family blogs because it catches me up on the people i don't get to see very often. It was fun to see you this past month. Enjoy your summer before the boys head back to school! Love you all!
hooray! i hope you are really back to blogging! its so fun to read what's been going on with your fam. can't wait to see yall this next year.
Great recap of your year Paula. Miss you my friend!
Welcome back! You have been missed! That was a prefect recap! Thanks
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