Update on School: A.J. has survived the first seven days of school and only had a time out one other day. He finally found out his buddy's name is Caleb but now he is friends with a little boy who doesn't speak any English. He told me today that he doesn't know enough Spanish or French to talk to him. I'm guessing it's Spanish. But I am happy that he is making friends and reaching out to someone speaks a different language.
NECLISBROC: This morning, I was taking a shower and A.J. kept knocking on the bathroom door. I told him to hold on. When I got dressed and came out, he handed me a note that said, "NECLISBROC." I thought it was cute, but had no idea what it meant. He said it was a "sorry note" and read it to me. "Necklace Broke." How can you be mad at that? Actually it can be fixed and kudos to him for telling the truth.
Happy Birthday: James turned 35 on Monday. He's so hard to shop for so I have resorted to Best Buy Gift Cards for him for every occasion. We went to dinner at the "Peanut Place." (Texas Roadhouse, our favorite!) Then we came home to have sing happy birthday and have cake. Before we had A.J., we wouldn't have cake for out birthdays. But he knows they are required. And since it is one of my favorite things to eat, I don't mind so much.
So that's what happens when I have Caffeine: I've had a pretty bad headache since Sunday. I generally can work through them, but this one as really been a doozy. Several friends (including a my pharmacist friend Angie) recommended something with caffeine in it like Midol or Excedrin. I stopped drinking anything with caffeine in it when I was in High School because it always gave me a stomach ache. But I was desperate to try anything and I thought the stomach ache might be better than the headache. I went to the store and bought Excedrin Migraine formula. Well, it did take the edge off for a few hours and allow me to get somethings done. But even though I took it at 1:30 in the afternoon, I could NOT go to SLEEP last night. I think I may have gotten four hours of sleep in two, two hour increments. I am feeling it tonight. And now I have a fatigue headache instead. (It also explains why some of these ramblings might not make sense.)
A Year Later: This week marks my first anniversary with Stampin' Up! It's been better than I ever imagined. I love that it is my own thing and I can do whatever I want with it and have all kinds of fun toys to play with. I still love stamping and I love sharing it with others. But I am only going to keep at it as long as I am having fun.
Speaking of getting something done and Stampin' Up! So after I took the Excedrin, I set out to finally figure out this really cute project that I received in a convention swap from one of my new friends. It is a "Glass Slipper." Of course, it isn't really glass. It's made of velum and lined with blue card stock. We are making them at a class I am doing in October, but it turned out so cute, I have to share it here too:

Online Ordering is AWESOME!: Stampin' Up! started online ordering yesterday morning for customers. Yesterday afternoon, I got a notice that someone had already made a purchase on my website! So cool. Someone over on Splitcoast suggested that now our customers could shop naked if they wanted too. That is just fine with me, but I really don't want to know about it.
I still have a lot more I could say, but I can hardly keep my eyes open and I need to get A.J. to bed. So more random ramblings another day.
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