Sunday- We had regional conference. One thing about living in the Salt Shaker is that these regional conferences take place at the Conference Center. Another thing about living in the Salt Shaker, it is really easy just to skip conference all together. No one will notice if you're not there. I know that's not the right attitude to have, but we didn't go. I still had a headache; James had to catch a flight at 12:30 p.m.; and A.J. simply said he didn't want to go. I spent the day finishing up a swap and creating some projects for an upcoming class. We also watched musicals: Singing in the Rain, The Wizard of Oz and My Fair Lady. Of course we found out later that Pres. Monson was the presiding authority at conference. Here's the swap I did. It uses one of Stampin' Up's exclusive Big Shot dies (that was the theme of the swap) and that basket on the front is actually a gift card holder.

Monday and Tuesday - Two weeks ago, I did a Super Saturday for my friend Brynelle. I ended up having 29 sign ups to do my "Countdown to Christmas" Cookie Sheet calendar. And if that wasn't enough, there were two ladies there who wanted to make seven more. So I spent Monday spray painting cookie sheets and cutting out letters and tags for the calendars. I ran out of spray paint and ribbon and had to go buy more. (Too bad Lowe's doesn't sell 1/8" red grosgrain ribbon.) Tuesday, these nice ladies came and spent about four hours putting them together. Of course the house had to be presentable and A.J. had to get to and from school with his homework done in the mean time.
Wednesday - Conquer the craft room day! With my brother Hyrum coming to visit, I actually had to finally address the disaster in my craft room that had spilled over to the guest room. I spent the afternoon and evening digging out the bed in the guest room and making room in the craft room for the play-n-pack for my niece. I also rented "Pushing Daisies" on DVD and fell in love with that cute, clever, quirky show.
Thursday - Two other ladies that I met at Super Saturday wanted to pay me to use my Cricut. So they came over Thursday morning to do more than 200 letters and tags. So the house had to be straightened again (really, you'd think that I could just keep it straight, but that just doesn't happen.) A.J. was almost late for school because their list was so long. Then my neighbor Jen and I went to Michael's for the photo boxese that were on sale and NPS in search of UHU glue sticks. (We struck out BTW at both places). Last night was our first school activity -- Skate Night (a Whittier Elementary tradition). Of course, A.J. doesn't skate and I'm afraid to think what might happen if I got on skates, but most of the kids ride their scooter. I even won a prize for joining PTA. (Four free kids meals at Carl's Jr!) They had this bubble "pit" that the kids could play in for $2 for 10 minutes. Here's A.J. near the end of his time. Can you tell he hated it? ;)

That brings us to today, Friday: Hyrum and his family arrive tonight. This morning we went grocery shopping (which I almost never do with A.J. anymore) and to the bank. Fridays are early, short days for him. Tara called to give me an update on the "California Girls" and we were almost late for school again. (I really do appreciate Tara's update calls though. I've been a slacker friend lately, but I really do think of you all often!) And in a bid to win mother of the year, I neglected to put something in A.J.'s backpack that was suppose to go back today. (We all knew I wasn't going to win anyway.) This afternoon, I cleaned bathrooms and made beds and right now I should be straightening the house once again.
Add to this trying to sell off a bunch of stamps and other craft supplies on the BST boards and dealing with Paypal and making a few runs to the post office, and it has been a busy week. James gets home tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully next week won't be so crazy. But there is little hope for that. James takes of again Tuesday for a few days; I have hostess club here on Thursday; and I am going to a shoebox swap next Saturday. Oh well, three weeks til vacation!
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