Bringing Spencer into our family has been the hardest thing I have ever done. The poor child didn't deserve what had happened to him in the first three and a half years of his life. And the emotional wounds were deep. There were plenty of days where I didn't feel like I was up to the task of being who he needed me to be to help him heal and live up to his potential.
But at some point, we moved out of crisis mode and realized a new normal in our home. We got Spencer off the sippy cup, out of diapers and into speech therapy. We spent a small fortune on therapy bills for all of us and begain to sharpen our parenting skills. We addressed Spencer's anxiety issues and adjusted medication. We rid the house of peanuts and tree nuts and got an epipen, asthma inhaler and a new reality.
We have two energetic boys who are real brothers now. They play together, they fight together, they tease and taunt and do all the things that real brothers do.
I feel a huge sense of relief too. For most of the past seven years, we've lived in the "waiting-to- adopt" world. In a lot of ways, it's a life on hold -- never knowing when the call might come and your whole life will change in an instant. No more squirreling money away into the "baby fund" or holding on to baby stuff just in case we need it. It is very freeing knowing what our family will look like and be from here on out. I can make a plan without wondering in the back of my head how we might have to change it if we get a call from the agency. There will be no more calls from the agency. We are done. And that just feels right.
God works in mysterious ways. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Awww. Congrates to you guys!! You are awsome parents!! The boys are sooo cute! Hugs
What a beautiful family you are! Congrats Spencer on your new family!
and look at the smiles on those boys faces.. I think you have a couple of charmers on your hands!
congrats! Liz
What a beautiful family - congratulations to all of you!
AMEN! I have tears in my eyes (((HUGS)) and sending all my love to you and the boys and your DH too! lol.. YOU are so amazing and such an amazing mom ! Blessing you and YEAH I AM SOOOO HAPPPYYY!!! :)
I'm so happy for you and your family, Paula. Your boys are so lucky to have such a kick butt mom!
paula! This is awesome news! Congratulations! I am amazed by your courage and faith!
I am so happy for you and james. what a great day.
Congratulations to all of you! My grandsons look happy and oh, so handsome. Can't wait to see all of you in June!
Congratulations! Just look at Spencer's face and how happy he is! What a blessing and a truly beautiful family! I am blessed to know you and call you friend! (And I'd still love to see what would happen someday getting my boys and your boys together!! LOL!)
Paula, what an amazing journey you are on. One chapter now at an end with fresh pages abound waiting for you and your family to fill in the blanks.
Your family is beautiful and God has promised he has a plan for all of you.
What a wonderful family! Congratulations to all of you as you have a new beginning all together!
Paula, coming from a family with two adopted children (my brother and sister are both adopted, I am not) I can appreciate what you are going through. It is so exciting, and this will be a day you will remember for always! Congratulations!!!
Congratulations to all of you! It is true that the Lord works in mysterious ways. It definatly makes life interesting.
Paula, You are absolutely amazing. I'm all teary reading this but I'm so happy for yall. We can't wait to see your complete family in a few weeks!
YAY!!!! Congrats to your whole family!
Thank you both for taking in AJ and Spencer, knowing that you would have a long and bumpy road to travel. May God Bless your new family!
Congratulations!! Your family is adorable:) We Love you guys!
Congratulations Paula to you, your husband and your two precious sons! You're an awesome mommy and an inspiration to us all!
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