Thursday, January 24, 2008

Really not trying to turn this into a medical blog. . .

Seems like doctors and hospitals continue to dominate our lives these days. But maybe we are getting to the end here soon.

A.J. had his ear surgery yesterday. It only took an hour in the operating room and there were no surprises so it shouldn't have been a big deal at all. Except, try telling that to a four year old who had major surgery six months ago.

He did NOT want to go yesterday morning. He started crying before we left the house and the only way we were able to get him in the car is to bribe him with any DVD he wanted to watch on the way up. He didn't want anything to do with anyone once we got to the University of Utah Medical Center either.

When the anesthesiologist came in to see us, he definitely agreed he was a prime candidate for Versed. But it was an hour and a half before they came to give that to him because they were running a little late on the surgery start time. We tried to pass the time with TV but he kept asking why he had to be there and why he had to have another surgery.

But once the Versed kicked in, it was a little comical. We asked him how he was feeling and before he always said scared. But with the Versed talking, he said, "Happy!" I asked if he was still scared and he said yes, but that he was still happy.

After, he was very out of sorts. When they brought me back to recovery, I could hear him crying as soon as I entered the room. He had no idea that the surgery had already happened, but he was very mad. It took about an hour for him to get completely calmed down and that was only after they took the IV out and he put his own clothes back on and he was convinced we were really going home. I think that is when he finally decided that it wasn't that bad after all.

But he's been a complete trooper with the pain too. He says he isn't in any at all. He had one dose of Loritab before we left the hospital, but nothing but his antibiotic since we've been home. I kept him home from preschool today, but not sure I'll be able to keep him down much longer.

We won't know for sure how much hearing this will restore because we have to wait for the swelling to go down and that could be months. But we are very happy to have this behind us and we are really glad we did it now before he starts school.

1 comment:

erica e said...

I'm glad this went well. Poor guy has had to go through more than his fair share of doctor/medical/surgery stuff. Its a nice feeling knowing that the worst is over.