I love A.J.'s curls. James loves A.J.'s curls. I love that they are big and soft. They are so much a part of who he is. Or should I say they were so much a part of who he is.
Last Friday, A.J. was upstairs being too quiet. I should have suspected something, but I was sick and was enjoying the peace and quiet for a few minutes. When he came down stairs, this is what I saw:

It's a little hard to tell from this picture, but he cut the front part of his hair, almost down to the scalp. I asked him why he did it and he said it was because he hates his curls. Too sad.
This is what he looks like now:

Maybe I will be able to convince him to grow them back someday. This does kind of expose his scar a bit, but he's not worried about that at all.
One more picture to show. This is how we found A.J. when we went in to check on him after he was asleep on Sunday night:

Yep, that is the head from his Rolie Polie Olie costume that he wore for Halloween when he was two. And while he doesn't usually sleep with that on his head, he does really sleep with all of those animals and blankets everynight. He calls them his "family." We call it his nest.
oh! so sad about the curls. but he does look good either way. i love his nest. reed is the same way. he's got his bed time 'must-haves'. seems a little crowded but that's the way they like it!
Wow! Zach did the same thing the other day, but it was just a tiny part you don't even notice too much. It must come with age. He looks really cute with short hair, but I know how much you loved his curls. At least hair grows, and AJ has a ton of it.
NO!!!! Not the curls!! :'( Boys with curls are my FAVORITE!! He definitely is so handsome either way tho.. I LOVE the nest!! And the rolli Polli hat cracked me right up!! That is hilarious!
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