Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Hero Worship

One of the best things about being the parent of four year old boy is that they think you are really cool. Well most of the time anyway. But in the past couple of days, A.J. has said things that let us know that we are the most important people in his life.

On Monday morning, A.J. was playing something and talking about cutting things and performing other medical procedures and I asked him if he wanted to be a doctor when he grew up. Given what he has been through lately, I thought maybe he would want to inflict that kind of torture on others.

He answered, "No mom, a POLICE OFFICER!" (Duh, how could I even suggest that he wanted to be anything other than that.) So I asked him if he wanted to be a "real" police officer. "No, a pretend one so I can work with Dad!" (See in A.J.'s world, real police officers drive police cars and wear uniforms and federal agents are merely pretend police officers.) Of course, we want A.J. to be what ever he wants to be when he grows up, but it is kind of touching that he thinks his dad is that cool that he wants to be just like him.

Then later that day, I was telling him that someday he was gong to grow up and go on a mission and go to college. He said, "Mom, you're coming too right?" I told him, "Of course I will if you really want me too!" Now I know full well that when A.J. is 18, he isn't going to want Mom to be be anywhere near where he is going to college. But it is wonderful now to think that he doesn't ever want to be without his mommy. I'd like him to think that mom is cool for as long as possible.

A.J. always comes up with really cute things to say though. For the past couple of weeks, he has been talking a lot about a baby coming to our house again. Not sure why but it is on his mind right now. The other day he said, "Mom, how long did Addison pray for a baby?" Addison is A.J.'s best friend and her baby brother was born in April. I told him I had no idea how long
she prayed but that she is 5 now so maybe it was a long time. He's also been telling me that he needs a sister. When I asked him why a sister instead of a brother he says because he is already the brother so we need a sister. Hard to argue with that logic.

1 comment:

erica e said...

Oh cute! Well, hopefully he'll get his sister soon. :)