Saturday, August 11, 2007

Lovin' Hairspray!

When I heard there was going to be a new movie version of Hairspray, I knew I wanted to see it. But James wanted nothing to do with it. So finally this morning, my neighbor Jen and her 9 year old daughter McKenna and I went to see it.

From the opening number, "Good Morning Baltimore" to the closing number, "You can't stop the beat," the movie is full of catchy songs that get stuck in your head and make you want to tap your toes and dance along. It is impossible not to get sucked into Tracy Turnblad's life with her contagious smile and the fearless way she stands up for herself and others. The actress who plays her, Nikki Blonsky also is just so cute!

And the other actors are simply amazing too. It's hard for me to say who stole the show more, John Travolta as Edna or Michelle Pfeiffer as the evil station manager. Both give the sort of over-the-top performance that is essential in a musical. And boy does Travolta still have the moves -- and a few new ones too! Amanda Bynes and Allison Janney are too funny and Queen Latifah is larger than life as she is in everything she does. And Jen mentioned after the show that if McKenna didn't have a crush on Zac Efron, she did.

Anyway, if you can't tell, I loved the movie and give it a big thumbs up. The message that you should be comfortable in your own skin regardless of it's shape, size or color, and that you should stand up against injustice and prejudice is just as important in 2007 as it would have been in 1962.

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